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Chris Tominich Associate Editor Birkhäuser Science

Christopher Tominich

Editor Mathematics

233 Spring Street

New York, NY 10013

United States

+1 (212) 460 1677

Algebra and Representation Theory

Analysis and Applications of PDEs

Complex Analysis and Applications

Functional Analysis

Game Theory

Harmonic Analysis

Mathematical Geosciences

Mathematical Modeling and Simulation

Mathematical Physics

Numerical Analysis

About Me

Within the Birkhäuser program, I am responsible for acquiring all types of book projects across a variety of areas in both pure and applied mathematics, such as harmonic analysis, game theory, and mathematical geosciences. I have 14 years of experience in academic publishing, the majority of which has been in mathematics. In my role as an Editor, I feel it is important to engage with researchers, instructors, students, and professional societies to build collaborative relationships that can support their publishing needs.