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Important information for NIH funded authors

If you are funded by the US National Institute of Health (NIH) and chose to publish your article via the subscription-based model (without open access), please use this form to request deposit of your accepted manuscript to the PubMed Central repository. In case of nature article please note, if you have already opted into PMC deposition as part of the Manuscript Deposition Service, you do not need to complete this form.

The accepted manuscript version of the article will be opened up 12 months for Springer and 6 months for Nature articles after publication. If your article is funded by any of the eligible funders click on NIHMS or Europe PMC to check funder details and if you are not funded by the NIH, you don’t need to fill in this form. Publication of your article at will not be affected.

No need to fill up this form if your article belongs to any of the journal from the link below. The article will get directly deposited in PMC once its linked to issue and volume.

Self-archiving tutorials are also available on NIH website ( in case you wish to deposit the article on your own.

We will upload the accepted manuscript version of your article to the NIH Manuscript Submission System (NIHMS). Note that the uploaded article version equals to the final accepted manuscript after peer-review and thus, does not include any corrections you will carry out at a later stage (e.g. during proofing).

Once your article is uploaded, you will receive email notification from NIHMS, asking you for approval of the upload to PubMed Central. When you have approved the upload, a web version of the article will be created by PubMed Central. Upon your approval of the web version, the PMCID will be created and can be found in the NIHMS. As soon as the article is displayed at PubMed Central, you will be able to find the PMCID by searching for your article.

All PubMed Central content is mirrored at Europe PubMed Central. If we submit your article to PubMed Central, it will appear in Europe PubMed Central as well.

Information about the corresponding author

Information about your article
Information about your NIH funding
Please note that we can only process requests containing properly formed grant numbers. An example would be: ‘R01 GM012345-03’
You only need to enter one NIH grant number. The additional one(s) can be included in a later stage.
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We collect and use your personal data to facilitate the information you requested. As we describe in our privacy policy, we won’t contact you for anything not related to this request and we will not share your information with any third parties. We may share it with our affiliated companies and use it internally for analysis purposes.

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