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Springer Nature to publish the Journal of Proteins and Proteomics

The official journal of the Proteomic Society of India will be published under the Springer imprint from January 2019

Heidelberg | Hyderabad, 6 November 2018

An international, peer-reviewed journal that amalgamates two important areas of life sciences research – proteins and proteomics – has become part of the Springer Nature journal portfolio. The Journal of Proteins and Proteomics aims to further the areas of health and medicine, agriculture and manufacturing by publishing articles in a wide range of formats online. For the past nine years the journal has been published by the Proteomic Society of India.

 In four issues annually, the subscription journal with open access options will publish peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of protein structure, function and dynamics as well as computational and theoretical proteomics. The journal will be headed by the founding editor-in-chief, Suman Kundu, who is Head of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Delhi South Campus in India. He will be supported by the Proteomics Society of India and an editorial board of more than 30 international researchers.

 Suman Kundu said: “We need to integrate the knowledge from proteomics research with that of protein science in order to gain insights into biological processes and better understand human health and diseases. Only Springer Nature can provide the kind of service and coverage needed to strive towards this objective and benefit the scientific community at large. We see great potential for this journal to grow under the stewardship of Springer Nature.”

Andrea Pillmann, Executive Editor at Springer, said: “This is a time of great promise for Indian science, and we are proud to partner with the Proteomics Society of India. We are dedicated to identifying the most important discoveries and taking them to the widest possible audience. The Journal of Proteins and Proteomics provides a platform for diverse researchers in the field of protein chemistry to exchange ideas. It is Springer Nature’s ambition to advance the discovery of Indian researchers' work and provide them with tools to help them succeed in their careers.”

Further Information

The Proteomics Society of India was formed in 2009 to allow researchers in India working in all fields of proteomics to exchange information, knowledge and experience. One of the main activities of the society is to organize workshops, education days and an annual meeting for proteomics researchers in India. To date the society has over 250 members: individual scientists, technologists, and clinicians who work in academic and industrial settings, as well as students and young researchers. The Journal of Proteins and Proteomics is the official journal of the society. 

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Elizabeth Hawkins | Springer Nature | Communications
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