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How artificial intelligence is gaining a foothold in medical fields

New book explores the ongoing evolution in the application of artificial intelligence within healthcare and radiology.

Heidelberg, 26 February 2019 

Artificial intelligence (AI) applications in the fields of informatics, machine learning and personalized medicine have been revolutionizing medicine and radiology. For example, we already use image interpretation to detect breast cancer in its earliest stages.

Deep learning technology – a form of machine learning related to AI – is currently a very hot topic in radiology and well suited for the analysis of image data. Therefore, radiology is an extremely suitable field in which AI applications can be introduced into the healthcare system. In the book Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging – Opportunities, Applications and Risks, radiology, engineering and IT experts cover all aspects of artificial intelligence for medical imaging and provide a complete overview of all facettes involved. 

The application of artificial intelligence in radiology in order to process and analyse an image is becoming speedier, more efficient and more precise – developments which ultimately benefit patients. As a result, medical professionals have been able to identify diseases which previously remained undetected longer, such as early stage brain tumors. Although the use of artificial intelligence in medical imaging and the accompanying digital transformation of the field are recent developments, the benefits are already clearly visible. 

The book Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging addresses opportunities, possible and available clinical applications, as well as the potential risks and difficulties of using artificial intelligence. Through this book researchers and practitioners gain a deeper insight into the technological background of AI. 

The editors of the book all are affiliated with the European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics, a scientific society of radiologists, clinical physicists, software engineers, and IT professionals. 

Ranschaert, Erik R., Morozov, Sergey, Algra, Paul R. (Eds.)
Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging – Opportunities, Applications and Risks
Hardcover €128,39 | CHF 141,50 | £109.99 | $149.99 | ISBN 978-3-319-94877-5
Also available as an eBook ISBN 978-3-319-94878-2

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