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Sunny Guo_SG

Sunny Guo

Associate Editor Chemistry & Materials Science
Beijing +86 10 83415195
About Me:

Sunny Guo, Assosicate Editor, completed her Master studies in polymer materials science at UNSW Sydney in 2016. She then joined Springer in 2017, and is now handling Chemistry and Materials Science in China, and polymer science titles worldwide. She is publishing a wide range of books such as monographs, edited volumes, textbooks, briefs, and major reference.

Book Series:

Advances in Polymer Science
Polymers and Polymeric Composites: A Reference Series
Springer Series on Polymer and Composite Materials
SpringerBriefs on Biobased polymers
Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technology
SpringerBriefs in Green Chemistry for Sustainability

Have an idea for a book? Please use this form to tell us your idea or contact me directly. I look forward to hearing from you. Let your publication journey begin.

Watch the video of how to publish in Chemistry