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New Springer Open Access Volume: Data Journeys in the Sciences

Join the authors for a virtual book launch on July 3rd 2020 | The event is part of Data Science Week 2020 at the University of Exeter.

Heidelberg | London, 01 July 2020

What is the point of data in research? Focusing on the strategies, controversies and investments surrounding decisions around data and its use, the new Springer Open Access book Data Journeys in the Sciences showcases the “stages of a data journey, with each cluster of chapters discussing the skills, methods, activities and norms that may be typically associated to those stages across a wide range of research areas”. 

Edited by Sabina Leonelli and Niccolo Tempini, this multidisciplinary book brings together leading thinkers in the history, philosophy and social studies of science to reflect on the challenges and conditions for mobilizing and (re)using research data.

Data Journeys in the Sciences provides an opportunity to compare in-depth, qualitative analyses of data practices across space, time and fields as different as epidemiology, particle physics, astronomy, climate science, economics, biology, oceanography, history of art and biomedicine. This work informs strategic thinking about the production and use of Big and Open Data, particularly at such a transformative time for academia and the world. 

More information on Data Science Week 2020 at the University of Exeter and their virtual book launch of the Springer Open Access volume Data Journeys in the Sciences: Link

Register for the event on Friday 3rd July 2020 at 15:30-16:30 (BST) here: Link 

About the editors

Sabina Leonelli is Professor in Philosophy and History of Science at the University of Exeter, where she co-directs the Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences and leads the data governance strand of the Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Her interests include the epistemology, history and social studies of data-intensive science, open science and biological modelling. She is a Turing Fellow, ERC grantee, Editor-in-Chief of History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, Associate Editor of the Harvard Data Science Review. 

Niccolò Tempini is Senior Lecturer in Data Studies at the University of Exeter and a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. He researches big data research and digital infrastructures, investigating the specific knowledge production economies, organization forms and data management innovations that these projects engender with a focus in their social and epistemic consequences. His research has been published in international journals across science and technology studies, information systems, sociology and philosophy. 

Sabina Leonelli and Niccolò Tempini (Eds.)
Data Journeys in the Sciences
2020, 412 p. 14 b/w illus., 25illus. in color
Hardcover 51,99€ | £44.99 | $59.99| 
ISBN  978-3-030-37176-0
eISBN 978-3-030-37177-7

Further information
Services for Journalists

The book is a Springer Open Access book and freely available to download. 
The authors are available for interview. 


Felicitas Behrendt | Springer Nature | Communications
tel +49 6221 487 9901|