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Mare Plasticum – The Plastic Sea

Heidelberg | New York, 09 November 2020

The menace plastic poses to marine environments and organisms is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Presented at the Genoa Science Festival 2020, this newly published book covers plenty of fascinating science, such as insights into the impacts of plastics and microplastics. It connects Science with Arts, because the authors consider this to be an effective way to raise and increase awareness and to back education on sustainable issues.  

The book was written by a multidisciplinary team of authors comprising scientists, artists and communicators, amongst them CERN pioneer Marilena Streit-Bianchi. It takes readers on a journey that begins on the beaches of Galicia, culminates with a short “plastic story” and explores the historical developments as well as sustainable solutions and protective measures.

By revealing a disturbing vision of the future significance of plastics for humans, Mare Plasticum tries to change society’s consciousness towards more responsible and effective behavior, to alert the audience to the urgent need for action.

About the editors

Marilena Streit-Bianchi received a doctorate in Biological Sciences from the University of Rome and joined CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, in Geneva (Switzerland), in 1969. She is a senior honorary staff member at CERN, actively engaged in art and science as a book editor and curator of exhibitions in Europe and Mozambique.

Margarita Cimadevila is president of the organization ARSCIENCIA and a member of AMIT (Spanish Association of Women Researchers and Technologists). Her artistic work combines science and art on topics such as the particle physics at CERN, women in science, gender equality and eco art.

Wolfgang Trettnak is a freelance artist. His work, which comprises painting, object art, and installations, has been exhibited in Europe, America, and China. It links science with art on subjects such as bionics, electronics, luminescence and environmental topics.

Streit-Bianchi, M., Cimadevila, M., Trettnak, W. (Eds.)
Mare Plasticum - The Plastic Sea
2020, 267 p. 89 illus., 75 illus. in color.
Hardcover 32,99 € | £27.99 | $39.99
ISBN 978-3-030-38944-4
eISBN 978-3-030-38945-1

Services for Journalists

Journalists can request an electronic review copy of the bookMare Plasticum - The Plastic Sea.  The authors are available for interview. 


Stefanie Schulmeyer | Springer Nature | Communications
tel +49 6221 487 8175 |