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General Information

Translation Guidelines

The Process 

  1. Springer Nature will only grant translation rights licenses to other Publishers,  University Presses or Institutions who are responsible for the publication and distribution of the translated edition. 
    We encourage authors, translators or students to suggest a Publisher, Institution or University Press interested in acquiring the rights. We cannot enter negotiations with individuals as the marketing, sales and production activities to publish the translated edition can be cost prohibitive.
  2. After confirming that the language rights are available, we can proceed with negotiations. We require the publisher’s business address and VAT number. The foreign publisher has an option of up to three months to analyze a given title.
  3. The license fee is calculated on the first print run and retail price provided by the foreign publisher. The foreign publisher determines the retail price for their edition, as they have better knowledge of their market. We understand that, for our authors, the main objective is to have their content disseminated and made available as widely as possible, so we aim to be reasonable with our quotes. After the license fee has been agreed we issue a license agreement which is then signed by both parties.
  4. The translation itself is a responsibility of the foreign publisher. They are fully in charge of the translation of the work. Usually, the foreign publisher has up to two years to place the translated edition in the local market.
  5. After publication of the translated edition, it is possible for us to request complimentary copies from the foreign publisher for the author(s). 
  6. Securing a contract with a foreign publisher can take at least 6 months. There are situations in which the agreement is concluded more quickly but we would ask for your patience as contractual negotiations can be lengthy.

For a book to sell in translation, it should...

  • Have generic or/and international examples (foreign publishers don’t consider examples from the UK, US, New Zealand, Canada and/or Australia as international) and not be too UK/US specific.
  • Avoid niche subjects, the more specific topic the fewer the publishers that can be targeted.
  • Be of the interest to foreign publishers, subjects popular in the English speaking world may not be popular in other countries.
  • Appeal to a wider audience, more diverse readership can generate better sales.
  • Be unique in the field(s) covered, must be different from other books already available on the market.
  • Take into account the current political/economic/social situation of the potential foreign market.

Please note

  • Some territories/markets are difficult to sell into, especially countries with a strong academic publishing history such as Germany, please seek advice from our Translation Rights Team if there are specific markets you are interested in.
  • The above information acts as a guideline to aid a greater understanding of the process, if in doubt please contact our Translation Rights Team at: 

Translations and Reprints

Should you be interested in considering any of the titles published by Springer in view of acquiring translation, reprint, or paperback rights of entire books, just send us an email as listed under Contacts.

Please include in your inquiry the title, the name of the author(s)/editor(s), and ISBN as well as your business address and VAT number. If the rights are available, then we shall be pleased to grant you an option and send you a reading copy for consideration.

Mailing List

Would you like to receive more information about our program on a regular basis in view of translation? Just send an email to the address listed under Contacts or use the form under Join our mailing list indicating which subject areas your publishing house specializes in. You will be added to our mailing list and will receive information about our rights offers. 


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