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The SpringerLink Shop Affiliate Program

As a leading scientific publisher Springer Nature offers its customers a vast selection of over 320,000 print and eBooks across various scientific fields in the SpringerLink Shop.
The customer base includes research professionals, academic researchers, professors, lecturers, students, and authors, as well as all individuals interested in science and technology. Print books are shipped free of charge worldwide and eBooks can be used on computers and all portable devices without any limitations.  

Promote our SpringerLink Shop or individual titles and earn a commission with every sale!

Earn easy money on every order!

Participating is easy:

  1. Sign up for free
  2. Be activated
  3. Integrate our ads
  4. Get commission

Sign up for free

Register for free in the network of CJ. Apply as a publisher to our SpringerLink Shop program. You will find our international profile (English and German) with the ID 3846539 in the network of CJ.

Read more about Sign up for free

Be activated

We will review your application within 3 working days and accept you into our program. Please make sure to read our terms and conditions carefully in order to avoid any misunderstandings.

Read more about Be activated

Integrate our ads

Choose your favorite format from the provided advertising media. Promote individual products with our product data feed, for instance, or use our appealing brand banners.

Read more about Integrate our ads

Get commission

For every order which was triggered by clicking on one of our links on your site, you will receive a comission of up to 15% of the order value.

Read more about Get commission

Your benefits at a glance:

✓ Commission: 

Non-coupon partners: 10% for each sale and 15% from a monthly turnover of more than $1.000
Coupon partners: 8% for each sale and 12% from a monthly turnover of over $1.000. 

✓ Ø Shopping cart: $100

✓ Cancellation rate: Low return rate

✓ Vast selection of advertising media: Product data, text- & deeplinks, logo & banner-sets in common sizes

✓ CSV-product catalog: Product data with images and important product details

✓ Promotions: Regular offers for publisher and customers

✓ Cookie lifetime: 30 days

✓ Special conditions: For high-quality ads on request

✓ Support: Quick and personal support from the SpringerLink Shop Affiliate team 

Apply as a publisher to our SpringerLink Shop program!


For inquiries about our affiliate program, please contact us at any time at


What is the SpringerLink Shop Affiliate Program?

The SpringerLink Shop Affiliate Program allows you to earn money when you embed links to our products on your website. Visitors to your website can follow these links to our online shop and then purchase our products. If a customer purchases a product through one of these links on your website, then we will pay you a sales commission.

How can I become a member of the SpringerLink Shop Affiliate Program?

Our Affiliate Program is managed in cooperation with CJ, and you may register here for the Affiliate Program through CJ. Once your application has been reviewed and you have qualified for the program, you will receive an email containing your membership information and instructions for getting started.

What is CJ?

CJ is one of the best-known Affiliate Networks in the world. The company manages tracking, reporting and commission payments for our partners.

Which affiliates will be admitted to the program?

In general, each Affiliate may include his or her website(s) in our program. Prohibited from participating in the program are any websites that contain the following content or that are associated with or could create the impression of an association (through the website or web page periphery that is accessible through links) with the following content:

  • erotica and pornography
  • glorification of violence, violent scenes, weapons
  • politics
  • drugs
  • content with criminal law implications including insults and slander
  • content that is generally unlawful or infringes third party rights

Please comply with our General Terms and Conditions of Participation when registering with CJ.

Can non-commercial website operators become partners of SpringerLink Shop?

For reasons related to the rules on fixed book prices, we can cooperate only with commercial partners under the SpringerLink Shop Affiliate Program. If you file an application to take part in the program, then we will assume that you satisfy this condition. You will be considered “commercial”, if:

  1. your firm is a limited liability company (GmbH), or
  2. you have registered a trade, or
  3. you operate your own server, or
  4. you have your own domain name for your website.

If you register with the Partner Program as a GmbH, then we will require no further evidence that you are entitled “to place electronic ads for commercial purposes “. Due to the rules on fixed book prices, cash-back or refund compensation and bonus systems based on the participation are prohibited.

Does it cost anything to participate in the SpringerLink Shop Affiliate Program?

The registration is completely free of charge. The Affiliate Program of SpringerLink Shop is based on revenue sharing. In other words, we split the commission for each purchase order placed by you or your Affiliate link.

Whom should I contact if I have any questions about the program?

You can find answers to many of your questions at the CJ Support Center. To learn about the most recent program functions and see real-time information about results and commission payments, you may log into your Affiliate account. In addition, feel free to contact us via email at

For any technical problems or questions, please contact:

What‘s the next step following registration?

After your registration, you will receive a welcome email. This email will contain general information for getting started and will include your Affiliate link. You will also receive registration information in the Affiliate Center. There you may view your current book entries, revenues and visitors as well as integration options and can receive support. Such interaction does not yet constitute an acceptance of the application. A contract on participation will not be formed unless and until Springer notifies the Affiliate via email following review of the registration that Springer has accepted the application.

May I embed the SpringerLink Shop advertising material throughout my website?

Yes. You know your customers, their needs and their conduct better than we do.  Thus, as soon as your application has been accepted, we shall afford you the flexibility to position our banners and text links throughout your website and your blogs. An optimal placement is crucial in order to maximize click rates and revenues, which will thereby generate more commissions for you. In other words, the better you position the advertisement, the more you will earn. Please use only text links, logos, banners and images that are made available to you through CJ.

How often is new advertising material made available?

We provide you with a variety of standard discounts and price discount advertising materials, deeplinks, product data feeds for our page and our products. Simply copy the Advertising Material Code from your CJ account and then paste it in.

I have more than one website, and several of them are outside of Germany. Can I still participate in the Partner Program?

Yes. We review and accept applications from many countries, and you may have more than one website in order to promote our products. In order to simplify the process, we simply require one Affiliate Account containing all your data.

How do I measure the results?

In your Affiliate Account, go to “reports”. You can analyse your visitor numbers, call-up detailed statistics, prepare reports, review your pay-outs and much, much more.

How are the commissions calculated?

As an Affiliate Partner, you will place a new Affiliate link on your website, in your blog or distribute them through social media channels.  If the visitor follows your Affiliate link to our website, then the system will register this information and place a cookie on the visitor’s computer. When the visitor pays for a product or carries out another pre-defined action, the Affiliate System will automatically search for cookies (if no cookies are found, then the program will check the IP address of the referral) and will credit the agreed commission to your account. This will occur completely automatically. The basis for calculating the commission are the net proceeds actually paid by the end customer and retained by Springer; i.e., less any unpaid purchases and any refunds arising from product returns.

How can I ensure compliance with the German Fixed Book Pricing Act (Buchpreisbindungsgesetz)?

Based on the German Act on Fixed Book Prices (Buchpreisbindungsgesetz), end customers must not be afforded any economic benefits when concluding a contract (no bonus systems, no cash-back or refund compensation systems).
The Affiliate may not pass on their commission or part of it to a third party nor commit to do so. Furthermore, the Affiliate may not himself/herself purchase a book using an item of Advertising Material; in such a case no commission shall be due.

When will I be paid?

CJ attends to the payments once a month. You can find further information on the payment process here.