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Wir präsentieren Ihnen Forschungsergebnisse und unterhaltsame Fakten aus unseren Publikationen.

Die Pressemitteilungen sind in englischer Sprache.

Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse

  • Atoms slow down more within colder blackbody radiation

    New York | Heidelberg, 10 February 2023
    New analysis shows that atoms will encounter high frictional forces in the presence of blackbody radiation at lower temperatures. Accounting for this effect could help researchers to improve the accuracy of high-precision experiments.

  • Finely-tuned quantum dots enhance nonlinear optics

    New York | Heidelberg, 10 February 2023
    Quantum dots with finely-tuned spherical defects could display advanced ‘nonlinear’ optical properties, new calculations have suggested. Adjusting the sizes of these defects could enable researchers to tightly control the brightness and frequency of the light they produce when illuminated.

  • Machine learning could help kites and gliders to harvest wind energy

    New York | Heidelberg, 2 February 2023
    Using trial-and-error, machine learning algorithms could enable flying wind harvesters to dynamically adjust their orientations, allowing them to account for unpredictable turbulence and improve their performances.