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Make the move from writing articles to writing your own book

Becoming a book author or editor is easier than you think and will help you build your reputation and further your career!

Welcome to our free mini course on book publishing!

© bloomua / FotoliaTo start you off, we will send you five emails packed with useful information about the book publishing process and introduce you to our tools and resources for book authors: 

Email 1

  • Our book publishing process
  • Open access
  • Book production: efficient and transparent

Email 2

  • ORCID identifier
  • Book promotion
  • eBook Collections and performance reporting

Email 3

  • Book manuscript guidelines
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) tips for your manuscript
  • Online manuscript submission portal

Email 4

  • Social media: connect with your community

Email 5

  • The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): inspiration for your book
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Thank you very much for your time!

We hope this series of emails will be a practical resource for you and your colleagues.

  • Don't worry: Receiving our educational emails does not imply any obligation to publish a book with us. 
  • Entering your email will sign you up to exclusively receive information on publishing a book with Springer and will not have an impact on other subscriptions you have with Springer, nor will you be added to our regular mailing list. You can unsubscribe from this list in any email. 

Data usage disclaimer

  1. Springer collects and uses your personal data to facilitate your request. We won’t contact you for anything unrelated to this request, neither will we share your information with any third parties, as detailed in our privacy policy (see link below in the footer). We may share it with our affiliated companies and use it internally for analysis purposes.
  2. Submitting your idea through this form does not guarantee that we will publish your book.