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Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency (ToPNoC)

© Springer

This LNCS Transactions aims to publish papers from all areas of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency ranging from theoretical work to tool support and industrial applications.
The foundation of Petri Nets was laid by the pioneering work of Carl Adam Petri and his colleagues in the early 1960’s. Since then, an enormous amount of material has been developed, presented and published in journals, books, workshops and conferences.

All volumes in Transactions on ToPNoC


The annual International Conferences on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency have been organised since 1980. The International Petri Net Bibliography maintained by the Petri Net Newsletter contains close to 10.000 different entries and the International Petri Net Mailing List has 1500 subscribers. For more information on the International Petri Net community, see Petri Nets World.

System design and verification using nets; analysis and synthesis, structure and behaviour of nets; relationships between net theory and other approaches; causality/partial order theory of concurrency; net-based semantical, logical and algebraic calculi; symbolic net representation (graphical or textual); computer tools for nets; experience with using nets, case studies; educational issues related to nets; higher-level net models; timed and stochastic nets; standardisation of nets.
Applications of nets to different kinds of systems and application fields, e.g.: flexible manufacturing systems, real-time systems, embedded systems, defence systems, biological systems, health and medical systems, environ-mental systems, hardware structures, telecommunications, railway networks, office automation, workflows, super-visory control, protocols and networks, internet, e-commerce and trading, programming languages, performance evaluation, operations research.

ToPNoC publishes the following type of material:

  • Revised versions of a selection of the best papers from workshops and tutorials at the annual Petri net conferences
  • Special sections/issues within particular subareas (similar to those published in the Advances in Petri Nets series)
  • Other papers invited for publication in ToPNoC
  • Papers submitted directly to ToPNoC by their authors
Editorial Board

Maciej Koutny, Newcastle University, UK

Associate Editors

  • Grzegorz Rozenberg, The Netherlands
  • Susanna Donatelli, Italy
  • Jetty Kleijn, The Netherlands
  • Wil van der Aalst, Germany

Editorial Board

  • Didier Buchs, Switzerland
  • Gianfranco Ciardo, USA
  • José Manuel Colom, Spain
  • Jörg Desel, Germany
  • Michel Diaz, France
  • Jorge C.A. de Figueiredo, Brazil
  • Luis Gomes, Portugal
  • Serge Haddad, France
  • Xudong He, USA
  • Kunihiko Hiraishi, Japan
  • Gabriel Juhas, Slovak Republic
  • Lars M. Kristensen, Norway
  • Charles Lakos, Australia
  • Chuang Lin, China
  • Satoru Miyano, Japan
  • Madhavan Mukund, India
  • Wojciech Penczek, Poland
  • Laure Petrucci, France
  • Lucia Pomello, Italy
  • Wolfgang Reisig, Germany
  • Manuel Silva, Spain
  • P.S. Thiagarajan, Singapore
  • Glynn Winskel, UK
  • Karsten Wolf, Germany
  • Alex Yakovlev, UK
Submission Information

Submission of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should follow LNCS formatting guidelines, and should be submitted as PDF or zipped PostScript files to All queries should be addressed to the above e-mail address.

Peer Review
All submitted manuscripts will first be assessed by the Editors for their suitability with respect to the aims and scope of ToPNoC, and the sufficient quality of presented research. Manuscripts satisfying these criteria will then be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers, selected by the Editors, who check their significance, presentation, scholarship, etc, following the format of the review form. The anonymous reviews will contain a recommendation whether to accept, reject or revise a manuscript (in the latter case the revised version will be sent back to the reviewers for further checking). After that the Editors make the final decision based on reviewers’ comments and recommendations.