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Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)

This distinguished conference proceedings series publishes the latest research developments in all areas of computer science. Together with its subseries LNAI & LNBI, LNCS volumes are indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), part of Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science; Scopus; EI Engineering Index; Google Scholar; DBLP; etc.

Annually 600+ volumes | 20,000+ papers | 45,000+ authors published

On these pages you will find helpful resources, support and advice on how to publish in LNCS, including open access options. You can search and explore LNCS content - with more than 10,000 (e)Books published to date - by year, forthcoming proceedings, LNCS state-of-art surveys, tutorials, topical sublibraries, and more.

How to publish

  • T_editors_280x210.jpg

    Volume editor information

    Perform editor’s tasks effective and efficiently.
    Instruction files, scheduling, LaTeX & Word files templates, and more tools.

  • T_authors_280x210.jpg

    Author information

    Springer's guidelines and technical instructions for the preparation of your contribution to a proceedings volume.

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    LNCS and related series are covered by numerous services, such as CPCI, DBLP and ACM Digital Library.

Worth knowing ...

  • ORCID image

    ORCID for Proceedings

    Authors can now add ORCID to their names in LNCS, CCIS, LNBIP, IFIP-AICT, and LNICST proceedings.

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    Indexing Checks

    Improved coverage and discoverability of Springer Nature content on external databases

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    Computer Science Video Store

    Put-in-a-nutshell information for you to view &  learn more about the benefits of publishing with us.