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Rights and Permissions at book fairs

Meet us at these events!

Planning for 2023 is taking place and Rights and Permissions will be at major international book fairs to have face-to-face meetings. A selection of titles chosen especially for translation await you.

Would you like to take a closer look at our program, talk about current projects, or know more about us? Then we welcome you to set up an appointment with us! 

To arrange an appointment please contact

London Book Fair 2023

April 18 - 23, 2023

Abu Dhabi Book Fair 2023

April 18 - 20, 2023

Beijing International Book Fair 2023

August 23 - 26, 2023 

Frankfurt Book Fair 2023

October 18 - 22, 2023

Sharjah International Book Fair 2023

November  2023

Guadalajara International Book Fair 2023

November 25 to December 3, 2023