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Adis Journals

Adis is a reputable and independent publisher with a portfolio of over 30 medical journals. We offer unique and valued content to our readers, and a variety of options and services for those seeking to publish research on drugs or related areas, including other therapeutic or diagnostic interventions.

The content we publish undergoes thorough peer review, and is highly used and cited, which is reflected in the high Impact Factors held by many of our journals. Our experienced in-house Editors, some assisted by external Editors-in-Chief, invite relevant content from thought leaders across the globe in anticipation of important topics. The reputation of our journals and our author-friendly processes mean that many authors repeatedly return to our journals when seeking a publication vehicle for their work. Articles published in our journals can be accompanied by a range of digital features to increase the visibility and educational value of the content.

Adis Premier Journals

Adis Premier Journals are essential reading for healthcare specialists and researchers with a focus on drugs, devices and other interventions. Please visit our For Authors page for information on Premier publication timelines.

The Adis VIP Service is available for Adis Premier Journals and offers accelerated publication by prior arrangement. Our in-house Adis VIP Service staff will escort you through each step, providing full support to guide your article from submission to publication in just 30 days.

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Adis Rapid+ Journals

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Adis Open Access Journals

Adis publishes a number of Premier and Rapid+ journals that are fully open access. All articles are freely accessible by anyone, anywhere, immediately upon online publication, and you, as the author, retain copyright of your work.

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Adis Drug Reviews

The Adis Drug Review program provides readers with the most important and clinically relevant information on the properties of new and established drugs, across all therapeutic areas. These definitive reviews are published in a number of our journals and have been a trusted resource for healthcare practitioners for more than 40 years. For more information please follow this link.

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