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Computer Science Proceedings News

© Artur Marciniec, iStockphotoWhat's new and worth knowing for the LNCS & Computer Science proceedings community? 

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Publication of LNCS Proceedings during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis

In the current situation of the coronavirus outbreak, we are facing a global health crisis forcing us all to adapt our private lives as well as our business practices. 
We are fully aware of the challenges created by these unprecedented circumstances as conferences all over the world are being held virtually or postponed to ensure the welfare of the community.

Therefore, we are committed to publishing proceedings even for conferences that will not be taking place. To best support conference organizers during this crisis, we would like to kindly ask them to let us know whether the conference is to be cancelled, held virtually, or postponed until later this year.

By making the proceedings easily accessible for participants, organizers can contribute to the core function of academic conferences: widely distributing new research. Thus we encourage organizers to prominently display the download link to the proceedings on their conference websites. Examples like the IDA 2020 website and IDA 2020 program page can easily be implemented as it is possible to link to the whole proceedings volume as well as to individual papers through SpringerLink (

Temporary free access to the online version of the proceedings can be provided for registered conference participants. Conference organizers should inform us when uploading the files if they are interested in this option. 
If you have further questions or concerns, please contact us per email:
Stay safe!

Worth knowing ...

  • ORCID image

    ORCID for Proceedings

    Authors can now add ORCID to their names in LNCS, CCIS, LNBIP, IFIP-AICT, and LNICST proceedings.

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    Indexing Checks

    Improved coverage and discoverability of Springer Nature content on external databases

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    Computer Science Video Store

    Put-in-a-nutshell information for you to view &  learn more about the benefits of publishing with us.

News Archive

New LNCS Challenges subline

The core operating principles of these subline's publications revolve around a detailed description of the problem posed, along with its scientific relevance, as well as transparent and impartial evaluation procedures of the competing approaches. Publication of associated datasets and source code is strongly encouraged, in order to provide a clear reproducibility check and encourage further tests and discussions on the subject within the scientific community. 

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Data Publishing in Computer Proceedings

If your proceedings have been accepted for publication in one of our proceedings series, a branded area can be set up for your conference within Springer Nature’s figshare repository. Any data/software used/developed in the papers published in the proceedings may be uploaded to this branded area and given a permanent DOI. The papers on SpringerLink link to the data on figshare and vice versa. 

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IFIP (International Federation of Information Processing) launches IFIP SELECT with papers for IT professionals

IFIP SELECT stands for better outreach and diffusion of some of the excellent research carried out an presented within the IFIP's Technical Committees and working groups. Based on the original research papers published in the IFIP-AICT series, authors add information & discussion on the practical contribution of their research.

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Springer Nature Research Data Support

Get help organising and sharing your research data with Springer Nature’s Research Data Support Service 

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New LaTeX templates available

Improved LaTeX templates for computer science proceedings can now be downloaded!

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Embedded videos in proceedings papers

Springer offers authors the option of including embedded videos in their proceedings papers, free of charge.


ORCID for Proceedings

Authors can now add ORCID to their names in LNCS, CCIS, LNBIP, IFIP-AICT, and LNICST proceedings.