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Society & Community Relationships

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For many years LNCS has been successfully cooperating with renowned societies in the field of computer science through publishing their conference proceedings and research monographs.

Our strong partnerships include (in alphabetical order):

ARCoSS (Advanced Research in Computing and Software Science)
China Computer Federation

The China Computer Federation (CCF) was founded in 1962, member of China Association of Science and Technology. The aim of CCF is to promote the progress of computer research, education, industry and applications in various areas in China. Springer has set up the cooperation with CCF in May 2012 and will have more publishing program with them in the future.

ECML PKDD (European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases)

We have set up the ECML PKDD Community Portal as the central hub for Springer publications in the fields of machine learning, data mining and knowledge discovery.Find links to all past ECML PKDD proceedings and related workshops volumes as well as to interesting books and journals. Read more...

ETAPS (The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software)

ETAPS, established in 1998, is a confederation of five main annual etapslogolarge © Springer
conferences (ESOP, FASE, FOSSACS, POST and TACAS) accompanied by satellite workshops and other events. The ETAPS proceedings have been published in LNCS from the very beginning. 

FoLLI (Association of Logic, Language and Information)

FoLLI LNCS subline aims at disseminating cutting-edge results in logic, language and information (LLI) research, development and education. Read more...

IACR (International Association for Cryptologic Research)

A non-profit scientific organization, IACR's purpose is to further research in cryptology and related fields. Springer publishes the Journal of Cryptology and the proceedings of many key conferences sponsored by the IACR (Crypto, Eurocrypt, Asiacrypt, etc.). Read more...

IAPR (International Association for Pattern Recognition)

An international association of scientific or professional organizations concerned with pattern recognition, computer vision and image processing. Springer publishes the proceedings of many key conferences sponsored by the IAPR and the journals MVA and IJDAR. Read more...

IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing)

IFIP IFIP logo © IFIP societyis a multinational, apolitical organization in Information & Communications Technologies and Sciences and represents IT Societies worldwide. Springer publishes the Education and Information Technologies journal and the proceedings of IFIP conferences in LNCS and the IFIP series with more than 400 volumes. 

MICCAI (Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention Society)

© SpringerThe MICCAI Society is dedicated to the promotion, preservation and facilitation of research, education and practice in the field of medical image computing and computer assisted medical interventions including biomedical imaging and robotics. Springer has published the MICCAI Proceedings as volumes in LNCS since the very beginning of the conference series in 1998. Read more...MICCAI (Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention Society)

Services Science

The LNCS Services Science Subline is an integral part of the LNCS series, exploiting the quick, reliable publishing infrastructure in place for LNCS to achieve timely worldwide dissemination of the latest research results both in printed and electronic form.