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Data Publishing in Springer Computer Proceedings

If your proceedings have been accepted for publication in one of our proceedings series, a branded area can be set up for your conference within Springer Nature’s figshare repository. Any data/software used/developed in the papers published in the proceedings may be uploaded to this branded area and given a permanent DOI. The papers on SpringerLink link to the data on figshare and vice versa. 

  • Organise data/software publishing in a useful way
  • Receive a permanent DOI for your data/software with proper licensing
  • Receive more credit and readership of your data/software and associated publication

We provide the necessary infrastructure and guidelines to authors and editors (conference correspondence editor) to upload and curate the datasets/software.

The service is free-of-charge. In case you are interested in this option please read the welcome note, as well as the following guidelines for authors and editors.


In case you are interested in data publishing and need more information/advice, please send an email to the responsible editor in our department via

Guidelines for Authors

The Springer Nature figshare repository is located at
Learn more about submitting your data to the repository in the guidelines for authors

Guidelines for Editors

The Springer Nature figshare repository is located at
Learn more about submitting your data to the repository in the guidelines for editors

How to publish

  • T_editors_280x210.jpg

    Volume editor information

    Perform editor’s tasks effective and efficiently.
    Instruction files, scheduling, LaTeX & Word files templates, and more tools.

  • T_authors_280x210.jpg

    Author information

    Springer's guidelines and technical instructions for the preparation of your contribution to a proceedings volume.

  • Buntstifte, Smileys


    LNCS and related series are covered by numerous services, such as CPCI, DBLP and ACM Digital Library.