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Free Online Conference Service (EquinOCS)

Powerful conference paper submission and review system and expert technical support at no charge

Springer Nature offers EquinOCS, an online manuscript © Springersubmission and review system for conference proceedings. Any conference for which proceedings are published with Springer Nature may now use EquinOCS - with technical support - free of charge. 

The former version, OCS (Online Conference Service) successfully handled submissions and reviewing of papers in over 100 conferences, with thousands of users. With the experience gained from their feedback, the system was continuously improved and now satisfies the needs of all parties involved. Springer Nature's web-based EquinOCS manages publication committee organization and workflow in a smooth and logical fashion, backed by high-capacity servers built to handle hundreds of simultaneous operations reliably and securely.

EquinOCS dramatically simplifies the task of organizing review committees, and facilitates the movement of manuscripts through submission, reading, discussion, contracting, acceptance, revision and publication. Every increment of the process, from submission of papers to preparation of proceedings, is handled through the same intuitive interface. EquinOCS finely manages resources to deal with all requirements and stakeholders in a balanced way.

Powerful Tool Features
  • Easy online submission: authors register, submit and correspond on one online platform
  • Click-through agreement to the digital publishing contract (Licence to Publish)
  • Handles Open Access or Open Choice publication
  • Permits submission of abstracts or full papers
  • On-the-go access with mobile devices
  • High-capacity servers ensure the security and reliability of the process
  • Configurable reports: reviewer reports can include a variety of elements
  • Comprehensive online user manuals to support the submission journey
  • Free technical support

For program committee chairs, EquinOCS offers a simple interface for committee organization and management, plus effective tools for delegating papers and supervising discussion, comments, and revision. 

As papers move toward publication, EquinOCS helps the publication chairs with stage-by-stage management of workflow and deadlines.

Springer Nature recommends the use of EquinOCS for conference proceedings
  • Assigns and manages reader rights
  • Identifies reader conflicts and bids based on expertise and preference
  • Permits blind and double-blind review modes
  • Improves communication via automatic email notices and discussion forums
  • One-step delegation balances reviewer workload, while incorporating bids and conflicts
  • Manages scheduling and deadlines

EquinOCS comes through where other decision-support systems leave off, offering both feature-based online help and free personalized technical support.

EquinOCS Test Conference

We have set up a dummy conference in EquinOCS, to which you can be invited as a user if you wish to try out the system before deciding whether it suits your needs. If you are interested in this or have any other queries related to EquinOCS, please contact