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Three Formats for Your Published Book

When you publish a book with Springer, you can count on your book being available to the widest audience possible in three distinct formats: print, eBook, and MyCopy. 

Print: Readers, scholars, and scientists will find your book available to purchase in the Springer Shop and applicable book retailers.

eBook: All of our books are made available in eBook form and can be bought directly from the Springer Shop, as well as online book retailers.

MyCopy: Readers have the option to choose an affordable and complete edition of your book when they choose to order MyCopy. This unique service is available at all institutions with subscriptions to SpringerLink.

eBooks on SpringerLink

Current trends show that the use of tablets and other mobile devices on SpringerLink is growing exponentially. SpringerLink supports any device by automatically adjusting the site-setup that is optimal for the screensize of the device that is used to visit the site. Readers can choose to download individual book chapters or full eBooks. 

  • eBooks become immediately available for readers around the world.
  • Libraries can offer their patrons online access to the most worthwhile books instantly from multiple locations, including library, office, home or wherever they are.

Please note:  Book authors or editors receive a free copy of their own eBook! It will be provided on their MySpringer account.

Where to buy individual eBooks?

Researchers and students mostly read Springer eBooks courtesy of their university library. Within this service, Springer eBooks can be read 24/7 by all library patrons within an institution.

But what if you have a personal interest in a Springer eBook and would like to read it on your laptop, tablet, Kindle, Sony Reader, iPad or other devices? 

Visit the Springer Shop!

  • Over 200,000 books across all fields of science
  • eBooks can be used on all reading devices
  • Free shipping for print books worldwide
Further online bookstores

We also sell eBooks through a number of online bookstores, amongst them in the USA or Libri in Germany. Since 2007 Springer eBooks have been part of the Amazon Kindle program and today tens of thousands of Springer eBooks can be delivered directly to your Kindle.

We supply eBooks to the Apple iBookstore. The Samsung Galaxy tablet, the Blackberry/RIM Playbook and the Android phone come preloaded with the Kobo eBookstore that Springer eBooks are part of.
The Google eBookstore contains tens of thousands of Springer eBooks and thousands will be added every year.
Not all eBook stores carry all Springer eBooks — just like the selection of printed books varies by bookstore. But you should definitely be able to find your favorite Springer eBooks through our web shop or one of our partners.
Below are some links you can check to purchase your preferred eBook.

eBook collections for libraries

For library customers, Springer offers eBook collections at special conditions. Each  Subject Collection contains all relevant Springer eBooks, including SpringerBriefs, textbooks, proceedings, series and reference works.

Services for libraries can be found here.

eBooks go in print: MyCopy

MyCopy is a unique service from Springer that allows library patrons to order a personal, print-on-demand soft cover edition of an eBook for just £39.99 / $39.99 / € 39.99 / ¥4999. It can be ordered directly from SpringerLink.

This offer is available in North America, many European countries, Australia, New Zealand and will be expanded to further countries. Prices are subject to GST/VAT where applicable. Shipping and handling are included.

Read more about MyCopy

MyCopy –  Authors' frequently asked questions

Will my book be available in MyCopy format?

All English-language eBooks that are suitable for print-on-demand (e.g. monographs, textbooks, reference works and handbooks, but not multi-volume books), that have a copyright year of 2005 or later and are less than 1200 pages long can be offered as a MyCopy version.

Who uses MyCopy and why?

MyCopy books have become very popular with students and researchers who appreciate having the advantages of both an eBook and a personal soft cover edition.

MyCopy does not replace regular print books, but is an additional offer for eBook customers and increases the reach and distribution of your work. Readers now have the freedom to read and work with your book in all possible formats!

How do MyCopy books and standard Springer books differ from each other?

The cover is printed in color and only differs from the regular book in terms of the white MyCopy branding.
To be able to offer the attractive MyCopy pricing, the inner work is printed in black and white.
The front matter indicates that MyCopy books

  • are for individual use only
  • can be cited with the DOI of the corresponding eBook, and
  • are offered to library patrons in cooperation with their library, which has purchased Springer’s eBook collections.
Won’t the low MyCopy price have a negative influence on the perception of my book’s scientific value?

The price opens up an additional distribution channel and increases the chances for your book to be as widely read as possible. We believe that the scientific content is just as highly valued as before – if not more – but is now available in any format the reader prefers!

Will MyCopy jeopardize the sales of my original printed book?

Springer sells the majority of printed books to libraries and institutions. Since MyCopy is exclusively sold to individuals through the SpringerLink channel (users of libraries that have purchased the eBook collection), we do not expect a substantial overlap or ultimately a jeopardizing of sales.

What does MyCopy mean for my royalties?

MyCopy books are sold directly to registered students and researchers at libraries that have purchased access to Springer’s eBooks. This innovative move helps to tap the full potential of the end-customer market – your readers.

The competitive price stimulates additional demand from price-sensitive students and researchers who might not have bought the traditional print version and are looking for an addition to the eBook. The royalties on MyCopy book sales correspond to the royalties you receive for other print book sales. These are specified in your publishing agreement with Springer.

Why is the inside of the MyCopy version of my book printed in grey scale? What about the original color figures?

MyCopy is offered at a very competitive, market driven end user price of £39.99 / $39.99 / € 39.99 / ¥4999. Grey scale illustrations in the MyCopy books are of high digital printing quality and will meet the quality standards of the MyCopy customers. Should the MyCopy reader prefer colored illustrations he or she can use the eBook, which can be accessed on SpringerLink or buy the original print edition. It will be clearly indicated on SpringerLink that the MyCopy book has a black and white interior.

Will I be able to order additional copies of my book through the MyCopy service?

Yes, you will be able to order MyCopy books including your own if you have access to a Springer eBooks collection through your institution’s library. We invite you to browse eBooks and take a look at the MyCopy service on SpringerLink.

Is MyCopy available to libraries and bookstores?

No, libraries and retailers cannot order MyCopy books. They are for individual use only and are exclusively sold directly to the individual reader online on SpringerLink.