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How to access my eBook

As a book editor, book author or chapter author you are entitled to receive a personal free copy of your own eBook through your MySpringer account on

MySpringer for book editors/authors

MySpringer for chapter authors

One month after your book's publication you will receive an email which contains a link to your MySpringer account. Simply log in and download your free eBook copy (watermarked pdf file).

Access via IP

If your institution has purchased access to the eBook package that includes your book, you will be recognized via your IP address and can automatically access your eBook on SpringerLink (via your institution’s network without entering a username and password).

Remote Access

SpringerLink offers off-campus access via username and password and supports access via Athens and Shibboleth. Both Athens and Shibboleth allow users to use single, sign-on to access web resources.


Springer offers access through Shibboleth via the institution login located in the login area on the right side of the screen in the masthead.

Please contact your librarian and ask if your institution has a method of authentication that allows for off-campus access.

Using SpringerLink

Please note: Book authors, book editors and chapter authors are entitled to receive a free copy of their own eBook. It will be provided to you on (not SpringerLink) via your personal MySpringer account.

Search your eBook on SpringerLink

A fast and easy way to find your eBook in SpringerLink is to use the search function. There are a variety of different ways to search on SpringerLink. You can conduct a simple search by title, author last name or DOI to find your published eBook on SpringerLink.
By entering a search term or phrase, you are searching the title, the abstract and the full-text (including authors, affiliations and references) of every article and book chapter on SpringerLink.

Cite your eBook

To cite from your published ebook/chapter we recommend that you use the “Export Citation” functionality offered as a tab above every article abstract. You can select the “RIS” or “Plain Text” option and your preferred citation manager. Your citation will automatically open in Notepad if you choose not to use a citation manager, which you can save, or copy and paste.
Users will be able to export citations in RIS or plain text directly into ProCite, Bib Tex, EndNote, Reference Manager, RefWorks, PubMed(LNM), and BookEnds.

Benefits of registration on SpringerLink

Registration grants you special personalization features such as RSS feeds, Favorites linking, saved items and free samples. Additionally, an individual registration allows you to purchase electronic journal articles and book chapters on SpringerLink and save them in your “Order History.”

Set up favorites

To use the free, Favorites feature, first register or login as an individual user on SpringerLink. Next, choose content that you are interested in and go to “Add to Saved Items". You can then create your own folder(s) with direct links to favorite books, journals, authors or search results lists.


Forgot username and password

From any page on SpringerLink, you can click on the “Log In” link that is located on the upper right in the header. Clicking “Log In” will prompt a drop down menu where you will see a "Forgot your password?" link . After you click on this link, enter your email address and if you have a SpringerLink account, you will receive an email with a hyperlink that will allow you to reset your password. When logging in, please also be sure to type your username and password just as you created them, as these are case sensitive.


Log into your individual user account

From any page on SpringerLink, you can click on the “Log In” link that is located on the upper right in the orange banner bar. Clicking “Log In” will prompt the username and password text boxes for entering your login credentials and logging into SpringerLink.
